the Podcast
Joy, Self-Mastery and Living a Limitless Life

Reaching Your Goals Without the Hustle and Grind
Did you know it's completely possible to reach your goals without having to hustle and grind? In this episode, I share why hustle and grind feels so terrible and how you can create your business and in fact, all your goals, from fun, joy, and ease, and I share how.

Mindset Minute- The Misuse of Faith and Belief
If you are serious about making mid-life simple in business and life here are a few ways you can work with me.

What’s Really Holding You Back
When I was starting my business I felt like I'd never sign consistent clients and make consistent money. I felt like I'd never be able to help the way I knew I truly could and I felt like I'd never find my way out of my corporate career and into my coaching business.
There are many reasons we think we aren't able to reach our goal and they almost all fit under these five categories and they apply to any goal, but none of them are the reason why you aren't reaching your goal.

Finding Freedom
In this episode, I share what freedom is for me, how I found freedom, and 4 keys to finding freedom.

Calendaring for Powerful Results
Ever get to the end of the week and feel like you haven't made the progress you wanted to?
Are you clear on the outcomes you want to have at week's end or are you taking action and getting the same results?
Is your calendar one big to-do list that you never complete but keep it because you love checking things off and really it's the only way you get things done?
Do Mondays excite you? Does planning and calendaring feel fun? Does it connect you to the spirit of your business?
In this episode, I share my system for creating weeks I can get excited about AND will get you the results you want so you can make greater leaps in achieving your mid-life goals in business and life.

The Most Important Relationship You Can Have When Your Building Your Dream
Relationships are important when you are building a business or going for any big goal or dream, but the relationship I'm talking about in this episode really is everything.
Like any relationship, this one is fostered by ongoing love and communication and it is all in your control.

Where Your Results Come From
If you're like me you probably believe your results come from the action you take. I was raised to believe if I wanted success I had to endure, push through, hustle, grind, do hard things. But this isn't where results come from.
In this episode, I'll share the belief I had about results and what I believe now that is moving me into new and amazing results with more fun, joy, ease, and trust.

Attitude is Your Compass to Success
Join me this week as I share what attitude is and how it is the compass to success and an example in my life.
Attitude probably isn't what you think it is. There are almost always going to be circumstances outside of you that will impact your attitude if you let it, but I'm offering a model for seeing how those circumstances shape your attitude so you can take back control over your attitude and your success.

Mid-Life Made Simple
This is the first episode in the relaunch of my podcast. In this podcast, I share what making mid-life simple means to me.

Belief Systems and Paradigms
In this episode, I go deeper into what belief systems and paradigms are and why they matter. When we know what the paradigms are that are giving us the results we don't want we can choose new ones and start getting the results we do want.

Becoming the Master of Your Emotions
Do you rule your emotions or do they rule you?
Our emotions drive our actions the actions we take or don't take. When your emotions go untamed it's much harder to get the results you want in your life and business.
Think about it. If you are feeling frustrated or defeated are you taking actions that move you forward or are the actions you are taking look like being stuck and spinning?
Listen in and find out why Mastering Your Emotions is key to greater happiness and goal success.

Setting and Achieving Big Goals in Midlife
Most of us are afraid to set big goals. We fear we will never achieve them and we have no idea how we will get there. Creating new goals is part of reinventing yourself. In this podcast episode, I'll teach you 3 types of goals and the process you need to take to achieve them.

How to Figure Out What is Stopping You
Have you ever felt like you just can't figure out what is stopping you from getting the results you want?
In this episode, I'll answer this question and I give you a place to start so you can figure it out.

Creating Your Goal Achieving, Money Making Emotions & Why it Matters
In this episode, I share why creating your goal-achieving, money-making emotions matters. Why they are important and how these emotions will leverage your results. I share mine and give you some tips to create yours.

How We‘re Always Thinking Our Way to Results
Ever wish you could create your results on purpose?
You can! We are always thinking our way to our results. The ones we want and the ones we don't.
In this episode, I share what it means to think our way to our results and how to start creating your outcomes on purpose.

How to Escape the Hope Trap
The hope trap aka someday syndrome is a thief of our midlife goals. In this episode, you'll learn-
What the hope trap is.
How to know if you are stuck in the hope trap.
How to escape the hope trap.

How Gratitude Impacts Your Goals with Fiona O‘Brien
Creating a gratitude practice and making it a habit has many benefits including less stress, greater happiness, and better relationships.
In this week's podcast, I'm spotlighting gratitude coach Fiona O'Brien all about gratitude.

Recreating Yourself in Mid-life with Liane Haynes-Smith
In this podcast, I'm spotlighting Liane Haynes-Smith. Liane is a dream and joy coach, author, and leader. She shares how she recreated life in mid-life by following her internal guidance after losing her corporate job, then created her dream of becoming a coach, and hasn't looked back.

The 3 Parts of Your Brain and Getting the Results You Want
In this week's podcast, I'm sharing a little science behind how your brain works to either is move you toward your goal or away from it.
You'll learn what the parts are, what their job is and how to get the green light in all three so you can get the results you want.

How Style Helps You Reach Your Goal
What does style have to do with achieving your goal? Style is a big part of your self-image. Think about the person you will be. How does she dress? What is her style? Discovering this for yourself and then stepping into it now by dressing and showing up as this version of you NOW brings you closer to your goal.