The Top 5 of 5000
We've achieved an incredible milestone together. Achieving 5000 downloads is a testament to the power of consistency.
Mine and yours, and I thank you.
In this episode, I'm sharing the top 5 most downloaded shows and I'm talking a little bit about each one. The topics of each podcast come from things I've learned in my life that have made it so much richer and joyful. The things that have created a life I love living. Every day I live in amazement at how wonderful life can be and how blessed I truly am.
I know this is true for you too even if it doesn't feel like it sometimes. You have all the power in you to create a life you love living, and to become mentally, spiritually, emotionally, and physically healthy. You have the power to reconnect to joy and to create the impact you want to create. That is what I'm here to share with you.
So if you've missed these episodes I've included the links below. I'd love to have your rating and review and for you to share any of the episodes that light you up so we can help others too.
Are you looking to have more joy, health, and impact? Join Midlife Mastery Club. You'll not only learn the steps to make this happen, you'll create it. Doors are open. Join here
And here are the top 5 linked to iTunes or you can search for them on your favorite podcast platform.
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